Preschool (3 to 4 Years Old)
15 children maximum with 2 teachers (often there is a 3rd assistant)
Children at this age will think more creatively and spend time completing tasks. Problem solving skills have really taken off at this age and despite finding a task difficult. In addition to their persistence, they are also becoming logical thinkers and can understand the differences in groups of objects. This will ensure they have a strong foundation as they begin to ready themselves for Kindergarten.
Cognition Skill
- Applies new information or vocabulary to an activity.
- Tries several methods to solve a problem before asking for assistance.
- Draws or scribbles and explains what the drawing is.
- Names some numerals.
- Increasing understanding of duration of time.
- Creates or copies all simple shapes.
- Sorts objects by one or more characteristic.
- Compares the size of various everyday objects.
- Place objects in a specific order.
- Identifies categories of objects.
Communication Skill
- Uses new vocabulary in everyday experiences.
- Responds appropriately to a request.
- Uses three to four word sentences with noun and verb.
- Beings to recall parts of a story.
- Predicts what will happen next.
- Changes intonation and tone to communicate meaning.
- Follows nonverbal directions.
- Participates and creates songs, rhymes, and games that play with sounds of language.
- Recites all letters of the alphabet.
- Uses pictures to predict a story.
- Expresses the title of a favorite book.
- Begins to write name.
Social and Emotional Development
- Shows enthusiasm about the company of other children.
- Makes and maintains a friendship with at least one other child.
- Communicates with other children to solve problems.
- Communicates with adults about recent activities.
- Approaches other children positively.
- Seeks out other children to play with.
- Follows familiar routines.
- Asks simple questions.
Preschool Class Daily Schedule
Daily Schedule may alter depending on the needs of the children
- 8:00am - 8:45 amDrop-offs, welcome children, free-play and/or structured-play, trains, story-time.
- 8:45am - 9:20amAssigned Center Time (Blocks, puzzles, kitchen area, etc.)
- 9:20am - 10:00amBreakfast, clean-up/wash-up
- 10:00am - 10:15amTransition time (Bathroom Time, Hand Washing and clean-up)
- 10:15am - 10:45amCircle Time, Music & Movement
- 10:45am -11:30amOutdoor activities (Playground) - (weather permitting) / Indoor Gross motor activities (yoga/music class)
- 11:30am -12:00pmTransition time - (Book reading / Story time)
- 12:00am -12:10pmHand washing before lunch time
- 12:10pm - 12:45pmLunch time
- 12:45pm -1:00pmBathroom use / Wash hands
- 1:00pm - 3:00pmRest-time and/or quiet-time
- 3:00pm - 3:30pmAfternoon snack, clean-up/bathroom use/wash-up
- 3:30pm - 4:00pmSpanish time (Circle time)
- 4:00pm - 4:45pmOutdoor Activities (weather permitting) / Indoor activities free-play and/or structured-play
- 4:45pm - 5:10pmPuzzles and Manipulatives
- 5:10pm - 6:00pmFree play and Pick up Time